The twins are getting mobile. While they are only crawling and rolling, Liam stomps around with Frankenstein-like strides when he attempts to walk. What does this mean? Baby proofing!
I had already baby proofed all the window treatments, the outlets, gated those babies into the living room like jailbirds. Since I cannot keep them in the living room for the next two years, the bathroom seemed an obvious place to continue with my efforts. Outlet covers, check! Doorknob covers, check! Then came an unexpected turn of events...the toilet seat latch...look at this photo. This is the one I bought. PLEASE IDENTIFY WHAT PROBLEMS COULD ARISE-->
Close your eyes. Take yourself back to the last time you needed to book it to the bathroom. While running, relief is in sight...and then you get to the toilet and need to use both hands to expertly open this latch system. Anyone else scared for me?!
Maybe it is not as bad as it seems. I will let you know. I am terrified that white knuckled I will not be able to successfully get the cover up in time. EEEEE.
Yes, this was a moment of parenthood I was not prepared for.