Good gracious, it has been one year since I posted last...I must get on the ball! Granted, it has been a BIG year. The twins were born in May so it's been a little difficult to find the time to post BUT I have a new idea. Drum roll needed. Baby laughter can be heard in the background.
The direction of this blog, in addition to what/how I am trying to manage my disease, will have a new twist. Let's look at being a mom (or parent in general) with Crohn's and how that changes things. You may know what it is like to be white-knuckled and need a bathroom ASAP. Now imagine, you have two screaming babies, what they want you have no idea, and all you can do is put them in a safe space while you high tail it to the Loo! Phew, made it.
Liam and Conor are 9 months old now, and each day brings its hysterical moments. It is also the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I am extremely lucky to have an awesome husband as my partner in this adventure. The other day I captured this video. Conor, for some quirky reason, thinks bodily function noises are THE BEST. Burping, dry heaving sounds, spitting sounds...please note, I am not actually spitting on him:) It is kind of ironic that he thinks these sounds are funny, don't you think?
Looking forward to sharing 2012 with you!